How to fix your iPhone 7 that won’t open email attachment? Generally, all probable causes are related to the software so you’ll have a higher chance of fixing the problem on your end. In this case, you may be able to fix the problem by deleting and re-adding the problematic email account on your iPhone 7. Sometimes, email accounts can become glitchy especially when bugged or afflicted by some malware. Problems like viewing file attachments can also be isolated to an email account. Try to free up some space by removing all unwanted contents then try to open the email attachment afterwards. If the file attachment you are trying to open happens to be a large file, then it might be the main reason why you can’t download or view it on your iPhone. If your internal storage is already running low like when you’ve already downloaded many apps and multimedia contents, it is possible that the device itself is no longer able to allocate more files due to insufficient memory space. In this case, try to contact the sender and tell that person to create another email with the file attachment that’s working. It may open but unable to work as intended. The same thing happens when an app gets corrupted. Another possibility is the attached file might have been corrupted or broken so it won’t be able to load up completely.